Flush the POUNDS and toxins away
using Cocoon’s Fat Loss Package

  • Lose weight quickly, shape and firm skin with advanced technology, similar to Velashape.
  • Detoxify and Cleanse your Colon.
  • Improve immune system.
  • Destroy and dislodge fats using the most advanced Fat blaster technology.
  • Reduce cellulite.
  • Release harmful toxins.
  • Tighten and firm skin.

Package includes:

  • 3 Fat blaster sessions
    destroy fats and lose weight using our combination of advanced technology of fat cavitation, ultrasound, cellulite massage, natural fat dissolving injections.
  • 3 Colon hydrotherapies
    release harmful toxins from your colon walls, reduce bloating and constipation and improved absorption of nutrients.
  • 3 Infrared Saunas
    burn the calories and release the harmful toxins from your skin layers.
  • 5 Days Juice Fasting
    body cleansing and balancing nutrients.

For a healthier, leaner body – inside and out

OR CALL 0811 388 2240