• Diva Tight – Vaginal Rejuvenation

Diva Tight – Vaginal Rejuvenation

Dual Wavelength Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy

What is Vaginal Atrophy?

Vaginal Atrophy is the thinning, drying and inflammation of the vagina caused by decreased estrogen levels.

This most commonly occurs after menopause. Menopause is the time in a woman’s life, usually between ages 45 and 55, when her ovaries no longer release eggs.

Vaginal Atrophy symptoms and causes

Vaginal Atrophy Symptoms:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Vaginal itching
  • Intercourse pain
  • Vaginal laxity
  • Benefits in urinary incontinence

Causes of Vaginal Atrophy:

Vaginal atrophy occurs most often after menopause due to your body having less estrogen.

A decline in estrogen can occur at other times besides menopause, including:

  • during breast-feeding
  • after removal of ovaries (surgical menopause)
  • after chemotherapy for treatment of cancer
  • after pelvic radiation therapy for treatment of cancer
  • after hormonal therapy for treatment of breast cancer

The Diva Tight Laser

Cocoon Medical Spa practices natural, risk free, advanced DIVA TIGHT Laser Rejuvenation to help patients the ability to get back to the normal and healthy way in their most sensitive parts. This new hybrid fractional ablative and non-blative is revolutionary, non-surgical, “walk in walk out”  treatment for vaginal rejuvenation is almost painless, low risk and requires no ‘downtime’.

With Youlaser MT and DivaTight vaginal atrophy treatment really match the ideal technology to stimulate new collagen formation, more hydration and less post treatment bruising and risk of infections.

Benefits of Diva Tight Laser

Women that have had children or are experiencing menopause are great candidates for vaginal resurfacing to improve the quality of their vaginal tissues.  The treatment only lasts for about few minutes. Patients may choose between 1 to 3 procedures spaced 4 weeks apart.  DIVA TIGHT Laser tightens the vaginal wall, increases secretion, treats and help to reduce mild/stress urinary incontinence and increases pleasure during sexual intercourse.


  • Safer alternative and potentially more effective treatment compared with single wavelength lasers
  • Youlaser mt less bleeding and crusting due to the 1540 nm coagulative effect will reduce risk of infections

Benefits of Diva Tight Laser Rejuvenation

Vagina Tightening Laser Rejuvenation can be beneficial for women of all ages. It’s a great choice for mothers in their 30s or 40s who might need tightening after childbirth. The process of childbirth can severely stretch and tear the vaginal walls and surrounding tissues, but with this non-surgical rejuvenation, it can definitely help repair these issues.

Additionally, it’s a great choice for women in their 40s, 50s, or 60s who are beginning the process of menopause. Women who are aging have decreased estrogen, which can lead to thinning, inflammation, and drying of the vagina.

Diva offers these women tissue repair, increased tightening, and increased lubrication to make sex more enjoyable. Also, for the women who are in their 20’s reading this, even you can benefit! Diva treatment can lead to better orgasms by improving your overall vaginal health.

  • reduce vaginal laxity
  • increase vaginal muscle tone
  • enhance sensation
  • reduce stress urinary incontinence
  • increase vaginal lubrication

Diva Tight Vagina Tightening Laser Rejuvenation Process

The process for DIVA TIGHT Laser Rejuvenation is simple, quick and painless for the patient and no anesthesia or  pain medications are needed.

The treatment is performed by a team of skilled, experienced doctors and nurses:

  • STEP 1:  Experienced doctors will consult with you and confirm if you are suitable and would benefit from this procedure.
  • STEP 2:  Your doctor will use the Vagina Tightening Laser that gently heats and ablates internal and external tissues for tightening and strengthening for up to few minutes.
  • STEP 3:  DIVA Tight fractional vaginal laser therapy may produce pinpoint bleeding in the area of the micro laser channels. This thin reddish-pink discharge usually subsides in 24 – 48 hours. You will be given a pad to wear if needed.
  • STEP 4:  Your doctor recommended that you abstain from intercourse for 7 days after Diva Tight treatments.
DivaThight result - vagina tightening

Results of vagina tightening

Typically, the full length of the vaginal canal can be resurfaced in a few minutes, and up to three treatments spaced four weeks apart can yield optimal results.

This treatment is well-tolerated by most patients, with minimal discomfort and no anaesthesia necessary. Our medical team will help you determine how many treatments you can expect based on your individual condition and goals.

Please ask for more information and package prices: info@cocoonmedicalspa.com


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