• Colon Hydrotherapy | Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse

Colon Hydrotherapy | Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse

“A bath on the insides”

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method of cleansing the colon by repeated gentle flushing with warm filtered water under very low pressure with a colonic irrigation machine. Using special massage techniques on the tummy area to stimulate release of impacted fecal matter.

The most common reason for ailments is not having regular bowel movement. With our modern lifestyles and unhealthy diets, with the result that, this habit leads to huge amounts of toxic build up in our bodies. In time, our bodies are literally screaming for help by getting sick or feeling sluggish. Whether you require added benefits of tummy flattening and, or intensive detoxification, the Colonic should be perfect for you.

The irrigation of water facilitates peristalsis, which is the coordinated movement of the muscles surrounding the colon, helping to remind the muscle how to work.  It also removes stagnant fecal material from the colon wall.

This stagnant fecal material may lead to Dysbiosis (an imbalance of intestinal bacteria), fermentation and putrefaction.

Besides removing fecal material, a colonic helps to remove bacterial toxins in the therapeutic system leading to the liver; decrease toxic burden; improve the immune system; and remove mucous, gas, parasites, cellular debris, and food allergens.  The removal of mucous plugs and other impactions allows increased absorption of nutrients.  It can also stimulate the gallbladder to release bile, which expedites removal of toxins such as pesticides and heavy metals.  Because the large intestine is responsible for water re-absorption, a colonic can also help re-hydrate a patient.

When do you need Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment?

You will know that your body is full of toxin when you experience the following symptoms:

Coated tongue, foul breath, sallow complexion, abnormal body odour, dark circles under the eyes, cold hands and feet, brittle nails and hair, sagging posture (pot-belly), tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, chronic headaches, irritability, nervousness, nausea, depression, asthma, obesity and backaches.

Closed Colon Hydrotherapy System

At Cocoon Medical Spa in Bali, we use a closed system of colon hydrotherapy. It is completely closed, so there is no mess, no smells, no embarrassment. It is a very gentle system, it does not rely on pressure to create the result, instead it is all about your expert therapist manually and gently massaging your abdomen and releasing the tubes when needed.

Clients have loved this system as there is no fuss and no mess, also it is very relaxing, and you will feel completely cleansed after the treatment. The treatment lasts approx 30 to 40 minutes.

What are the benefits?

  • Improve bowel regularity
  • Improve digestion
  • Boost your immune system
  • Alkalize your body
  • Increase energy and mood
  • Clearer and brighter complexion
  • Assist in weight management
  • Hydration of your body

What to expect?

Before your session:

It’s a good idea to eat and drink light meals a few days before your treatment. Raw fruit, freshly extracted juices, salads, and puréed soup are recommended. Do not eat a heavy meal before your session.

3 days prior to your appointment:

  • Take 35 grams of psyllium fibre per day, 1 tablespoon, 20 minutes prior to each meal.
  • 8 – 12 glasses of water per day.
  • Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, to loosen things up in the colon.
  • No solid meals, poultry or carbohydrates for the week when colon treatment is on.
  • Take 2 tablets of probiotics per day, one tablet before meal.

During the session:

Allow for at least 60 to 90 minutes for your session. The actual procedure takes 45 minutes. A disposable speculum is gently introduced and only a controlled amount of water is allowed to enter the colon at any time. During the process of your treatment, your technician will apply special massage strokes to encourage the release of impacted fecal matter.

While some people report increased energy and digestion, many also find that their weight is reduced, and they sleep better, with fewer migraines. It is generally expected that you will see immediate, positive results even after one treatment.

Some common reactions after colon therapy session:

  • Light-headed
  • Exhausted
  • Nausea

Frequently asked questions:

What is the difference between a colon cleanse and enema?

The colon is approximately five to six feet long. To clean out the lower part of the colon, enemas will suffice. But, that leaves about four feet of colon! Laxatives interfere with other digestive processes higher up in the Alimentary Tract and are not only irritants to the body, but the colon can become rather dependent upon them; when used, a thin, watery substance is produced that goes through the colon, leaving behind impacted toxins and waste.

How often will I need to have colon hydrotherapy?  

Most doctors will prescribe a series of cleanses from 3 to 12 times over a period of time, depending on your condition. Therefore, we offer a variety of packages to give our patients discounts on multiple sessions. A great way to maintain a healthy system is to have at least 1-3 colon cleanses with every change of season.

What can I expect after my colon hydrotherapy session?  

Most people will feel lighter and less bloated immediately. Many people will feel an abundance of energy. Occasionally, you may feel the need to use the bathroom more often that day.

This does not sound like fun.  Honestly, how bad is it?

Great question. When you come in, we will help you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Besides, that you are never exposed to smells or mess with our closed system. Our trained colon hydro-therapist will assist you through the entire session. Furthermore, most people review the procedure to be comfortable and relaxing. However, there should be no pain involved, but it can be a slight discomfort like gas or constipation as the impacted colon contracts to eliminate. After that, sessions can be quite relaxing.


You can also book a complimentary consultation by
emailing: info@cocoonmedicalspa.com or
WhatsApp Legian: 0811 388 2240
WhatsApp Ubud: 0811 388 2240




• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Infrared Sauna or
Infrared Crystal Tourmaline Mat
Balinese Relaxing Massage (60 min.)

Rehydration and Regulation.



• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Infrared Sauna or
Infrared Crystal Tourmaline Mat
• Detox and Recharge IV Drips

Cleanse & Energise



• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Infrared Sauna or
Infrared Crystal Tourmaline Mat
• Detox and Recharge IV Drips
• Oxygen Therapy
• Foot massage

Flush out all the toxins and get an intensive vitality overhaul.



• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Infrared Sauna or
Infrared Crystal Tourmaline Mat
• Supercharge Immunity IV infusion

Complete wellbeing. Prevention + post – Covid recovery.



• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Infrared Sauna or
Infrared Crystal Tourmaline Mat
• Beauty Booster IV infusion
• Fat Cellulite Massage
• Body Wrap Burner 3 areas

Bust the bloat: digestive ease and weight-management.



• 3 Colon Hydrotherapy
• 3 Infrared Sauna
• 5 days Juicing

Slim, Fast and Safe!



Feel free to contact us for more information or to chat about how we can assist you further.
We're here to help!

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