Colon Hydrotherapy Bali

Detox in Seminyak – A great article by Electra about colon hydrotherapy, halotherapy (salt room) and how to dehydrate and support your system.

By Electra Gillies, Contributor, Seminyak, Bali | Feb 3, 2014

The party season is over but for those who flock to Seminyak in Bali, it seems to be an all-year-round thing.

This “center” of Bali has long been seen as the party capital, while Ubud is more of a retreat destination.

However, Seminyak seems to be bucking that trend and offering ways to detox while in the area. It also seems more tourists want to have a cleansing experience while still close to the beach and entertainment.

Now more than ever, it is possible to balance the hedonistic and healthy down in the busy south.


The Cocoon Medical Spa has been open a year and has already attracted attention as one of the best spas in Bali for aesthetic treatments.

Set on Sunset Road, this is a modern Zen space that balances comfort and clinic harmoniously to create a very tranquil space.

Offering competitive prices on Botox, peels and lasers, tourists have been flocking here to have an added boost before returning home. In addition, they also offer treatments more designed for cleansing.

One of the more intense practices of cleansing is colonic irrigation.

This practice has actually been around since Ancient Egyptian times; the first recorded colonic hydrotherapy is found from a medical papyrus dated 1500 BC.

Shamans in Central America, Africa and remote parts of Asia have used it for centuries for purification. Hippocrates, one of the founding fathers of modern medicine, was a firm believer and said “all diseases begin in the gut”.

It continued to be a standard practice until the 1920s in health spas and then decreased in popularity, but is now enjoying a resurgence.

Methods have now evolved and the Cocoon is one of the few places that offers it in the south of Bali with a state-of-the-art colon hydrotherapy system that means water moves through a machine and there is no need to see or smell anything!

The procedure is carried out by incredibly professional and friendly staff, who will talk you through the process and massage your abdomen while it is taking place.

The treatment lasts half an hour and then you can relax in an infrared sauna.

Unlike other saunas, the infrared can penetrate human tissue and, thus, warms you inside as well as out, helping to eliminate toxins, lower blood pressure and increase circulation.

It emanates the same waves as sunlight but without UV radiation, so you can enjoy the benefits without the risk of burning.

This is a relaxing little booth where you can relax or read, and your consultant will bring you a tray with a coconut oil and wheatgrass shot, coconut water and water to rehydrate and support your system after the treatment.

To complete the detox, relaxation and healing process, the therapy can be finished off with a relaxing massage in the salt room upstairs.

This is the only salt room in Bali and is a calming space with walls literally made of salt bricks in pink- and champagne-tinged hues of Himalayan salt, while dry salt is sprayed into the room to recreate the microclimate of a salt cave.

This is also known as Halotherapy, derived from the Greek word halo, meaning salt. This relieves a host of respiratory illnesses as well as skin problems and has been used as a successful treatment in Russia and Europe for hundreds of years. The spa is a wonderfully relaxing way to finish off your detox and reap extra health benefits.