Weight Loss In Bali – Reasons It’s Easier To Lose Weight In The Tropics

* Pleasant weather conditions – that encourage you to get active. Statistical data show that exercising tends to be seasonal: when it is warm outside. People are generally more active during warm seasons than they are during fall and winter (data from the USA, Gallup poll). Research has shown that people who also do outdoor workouts, are more active than the ones exercising indoors only.

Our tip: don’t hesitate to take the chance in the tropics and take advantage of the nice weather: skip indoor gyms and head outdoors.

* Less chance to bad-mood binge eating. Days in wintertime are dark and feel long – and for some people, it is the season of depression. And one coping mechanism is exactly binge eating – which obviously leads to some extra pounds. Needless to say, the warmth of the tropical climate and the beauty of the tropical landscapes naturally helps you to get out of winter-mood and gives an extra boost to your soul.

Our tip: take a little walk outside every day and let yourself indulge in the landscape, sunset, everything that you find beautiful in the current moment – and feel the gratitude arising in your heart center. Focus on that feeling.

* Hot weather helps suppress your appetite. Don’t be surprised, you will find that the hot weather of the tropics may temp down your appetite. It may reduce cravings and generally, your desire to eat much food.

Our tip: listen to your body. Only eat as much as you feel you need, without over-indulgance.

* Tropics are full of delicious fresh fruits and vegetables. The best place to eat clean and healthy, direct from its source. Tropics are known for their rich vegetation – which include lots of veggies and fruits. Vegetables are generally low in calories and fat, and are rich in flavor allowing you to eat them almost limitless throughout the day. Also, they carry the vitamins and fibers your body needs.

Our tip: pineapple! This delicious fruit is famous for its fat-burning properties. It will be your best ally every day in the tropics.

* Drinks can also help you lose weight. Coffee and green tea contains caffeine that helps burn fat in the body. (However consume them with moderation in order to avoid cardio-vascular problems! Daily recommendation: not more than 3 cups.)

Our tip: drink plenty of water! It will keep you hydrated and also importantly, it helps you to eliminate toxins from your body.

We hope these tips help you achieve your goal while in the tropics. Of course, we have one bonus tip for you, as per usual:

*Ginger tea recipe*

Ginger tea can not only burn fat but improves your immune system big time and keeps you hydrated.
Prepare as follows: For 1 liter of boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of powdered or shredded ginger, one lemon and 2 tablespoon honey (depending on taste).