360 Full Body Red-Light Radiance

360 Full Body Red-Light Radiance

Use Red-light therapy for Skin Regeneration and Sports Recovery. Immerse in a cocoon of red-light therapy to supercharge cell energy, circulation, and skin radiance through the entire body. Red Light is a full spectrum techno-therapy.

Crystal Tourmaline PEMF Biomat

Strengthen circulation, blood flow and oxygen through your body system with Cocoon’s revolutionary PEMF biomat. Be gone of any negative vibrations that make you feel down, drained, and depleted!
Oxygen Halo

Oxygen Halo

Oxygen Halo or Oxygen Dome is a new technology. It stimulates the flow of oxygen through the skin and into the body system to awaken, enliven and revive. Saturate your body with oxygen, so the more oxygen flowing through our body, the more positive, energised and healthier we are.
Halotherapy Salt Room

Salt Room Halotherapy

Salt therapy, also called Halotherapy, is a holistic method. Halotherapy Salt Room, reproduces the natural microclimate of a salt cave by dispersing saline aerosol in a high concentration in a room. The surfaces covered by layers of salt.
Botox For Migraine Headache

Botox For Migraine

Much more than a headache, a migraine is a collection of neurological symptoms that can be debilitating, painful and chronic – so much so that they impact your quality of life. Fortunately, there is an effective treatment for you at Cocoon Medical Spa – we offer BOTOX for migraine management.