What Is The Best Age To Start Botox Treatment

Talk about prevention, there are also other tips that do contribute to keeping our face as wrinkle-free as possible: wearing sunscreen (even every day) to prevent exposure to UVA and UVB rays. Protecting the skin this way doesn’t just lower the chance of getting skin cancer, but is also a useful tool to prevent premature aging caused by UV exposure.

In most cases, Botox is used with great success to prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming across the forehead, between the eyebrows and on the area around the eyes. If you think about it, skin is in fact similar to a piece of paper – where the paper gets folded, a crease develops and remains. The same happens to our skin. When we squint, frown or smile, our facial muscles cause our skin crease. Then, as time goes by, these lines actually remain – even without making these particular expressions. This is why applying Botox early; these lines don’t even have a chance to develop in the first place. There are some women though who refuse to get Botox before their 40’s, 50’s or even 60’s. The only problem with this is that as later we start, as more invasive treatments will be required down the road.

What do experts say? …’A lot of clients come in and are proudly telling that they waited with Botox until they couldn’t stand it or they held out longer than their friends. Then I tell them that if they had come five years earlier, we could have done just a few injections – but now, for the same results, they will need more procedures which is going to cost more time and first of all, money.’, says the doctor.

So if you are wondering when to take the chance and opt for a more fresh and youthful look, then don’t hesitate – our professional staff is keen about receiving your call today and providing you with all the necessary information you might need to make the right decision.