How Nutrition Affects Your Skin

It doesn’t mean that you immediately have to cut out all the unhealthy food or suddenly make drastic changes. The aim of this article is just to give you a little knowledge of how skin can react to the various things you eat. Skin problems and types can be genetic, so the nutrition which causes the problem for one, can cause nothing for the other.


Refined sugar found in most cakes, cookies and soft drinks make insulin levels creating a wave of inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the fibres that give elasticity and strength to skin. Attaching itself to proteins in the body, sugar produces a harmful by-product, the advanced glycation end product which induce sagging skin and breakouts. As a solution, you should replace refined “white” foods with whole-grain, nutrient-dense versions and change sweets to healthy snacks that are rich in zinc (avocado, cashews, raspberry) to reduce inflammation and bacteria production. Fresh fruits and dark chocolate are perfect alternatives to satisfy your cravings.


The biggest problem with dairy products is that the milk usually comes from pregnant cows which means the hormone level in the milk is rocking high, promoting increased blood levels of androgen. When this huge dose of hormone enters your body, it can excess sebum production, thus increasing the potential for acnes and breakouts. If you regularly have struggles with oily skin problems, you should try some plant-based alternatives, such as almond, soy, rice or coconut milk products.

Salty foods

It’s time to check the labels on everything packed, you’ll be shocked that most of the foods you buy contain salt. The popcorn you bought for the movie, the chips you nibbled last evening are tasted with an enormous amount of iodized salt which makes your skin retain water. As a result, your skin will be full of big, painful breakouts and you will feel puffy and bloated. When you feel the need of snacking, grab instead some nuts or raw colourful vegetables that are rich in selenium, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron – all essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy skin.

Moderation is crucial in a healthy, balanced lifestyle. First things first, you should keep in mind to eat healthy food not to look good, but to feel good and think about the processes in your body. Besides, we are all humans so don’t feel bad to sometimes eat a donut. It is the key to be able to maintain the balance.