New Year’s Beauty Inspiration – How To Get Glowing Skin For New Year’s Eve

You better start applying them now and then voilà, no more worries on New Year’s Eve…except those for the jealous looks all around.

#1 Give your skin a nice steam bath

Steaming is one of the best ways to keep your skin neatly clean and free of unwanted blemishes. It boosts circulation, providing your face with a beautiful, healthy glow. Also, as a big plus, through steaming, your pores get wide open which allows blackheads and whiteheads to get out easier. Important is though, that you steam your skin latest the day before the event to allow any skin irritation to disappear.

Our Tip:

Boil ca. 0,5l of water and add 2 tablespoons of one of these herbs: fennel, chamomile, nettle or yarrow. Put your head above the bowl (just not too close to avoid burning) and cover yourself with a towel. Let the steam bath loosen up your skin and pores for ca. 10 minutes. Afterwards, grab a tissue or cotton pad and push out any blackheads.

#2 The good old recipe from our elders’ times: herbal astringent

Especially after #1 (steam bath), your pores need to be closed. Nature has provided us with many herbs that have astringent qualities. Chamomile is one of the best in itself as it has a potent anti-septic quality too. However, you can add some other herbs too to get an even more effective result: you can put some sage in the mix and it will result in a soothing, cooling effect to your skin.

If your face happens to be oily, you can combine chamomile with yarrow.

How to do that: take two tablespoons of the herbs of your choice. Pour hot water over them and let them stand for 20 minutes. Strain the herbs and use your new herbal tonic every day after you’ve cleaned your face. Bottle it and store in refrigerator.

#3 Remember to exfoliate

Exfoliation can work wonders, as we know.  Most importantly, remember to do that on New Year’s Eve. This will remove dull dead skin cells – so you get a fresh look and smooth skin right away!

#4 Add some extra glow

Apply bronze slightly on the chin and around the hairlines to give your face a warm glow – and to draw away the focus from blemishes and spots. Best is to use a bronze that looks just a little bit darker than your skin – like when you get a tan.
Apply with big blender blush with soft strokes.

#5 Get enough sleep

As you will be up all night long, get enough quality sleep beforehand. So that you’ll have enough energy to get through all the parties at night.

#6 Focus on the eyes

… also, when it comes to make-up. Create a dramatic and elegant eye with some eye shadow shimmer. Dab it on your eyelid area – lightly or heavy, depending on you.

#7 Get ready with a glamorous Oxygen Jet Peel Facial

Oxygen Jet Peel Facial is just the right one for you to get ready for the big event. It cleans your skin on a deep level – infusing saline and oxygen directly into your skin. It exfoliates dead skin cells, cleans your pores and hydrates your skin with a boost of oxygen at the same time. And the result? Your skin immediately looks refreshed, relaxed and strikingly glowing – just the way it should be!