Platelet Rich Plasma – The Best Way To Beautifully Improve Your Décolletage for your wedding day

What actually is PRP and how does it work?

PRP is a non-surgical, rejuvenating treatment and works this way: it uses your own plasma to stimulate further production of collagen. It is basically blood plasma that contains a high concentration of your platelets. Platelets contain growth factors and are specialized in regenerating cells and heal injuries. A normal concentration of platelets in the blood is 200.000 per micro liter – while platelets in PRP are 1.5 to 8 times the level in your blood. PRP is enriched with not just your platelets, but growth factors and natural stem cells.

The procedure of taking blood is simple and safe (similar to a blood test) where the blood will be spun in a centrifuge machine. This makes the blood to separate and platelet rich plasma to be extracted. Then this PRP will be re-injected into the areas to be treated. Platelets help to rejuvenate and repair the cells by delivering growth factor proteins to areas where they are needed.

If you are new to this treatment but would love to know more, here we collected some more interesting facts about PRP:

  • PRP helps to heal the body; this is why it is a commonly beloved treatment among ladies (and of course, gentlemen too) who prefer natural-looking results
  • Effective in treating décolletage, around the eye area, cheeks, thinning skin on the neck, back of hands, other body areas (like upper arms, post-baby tummy, elbows, knees) and also on the scalp for thinning hair
  • During treatment, PRP is injected into the mid to deep dermis layer of the skin (using a similar technique to other types of filler treatments)
  • Mild discomfort with minimal downtime
  • PRP treatment is also called as vampire facelift or Dracula Therapy (although Dracula used a slightly different method;)