Vitamin Tablets Vs Infusion

There are numerous articles and conversations about the benefits and disadvantages of both oral and intravenous vitamin intake out there. Some may think that spending money on doing an intravenous nutrient therapy is a waste of time, especially because taking in vitamin pills at home is an easy, safe, money- and time-saving option. On the other hand, there are some aspects to take into consideration, for instance absorption.

Vitamin tablets

Oral vitamin intake is a long multi-step, complex process for the body. Since you take the tablets by mouth, they first go to the digestive system and getting to the bloodstream takes a very long time for them. They have to cross the layers of cells in the entire intestine which have phospholipid cell membranes, impenetrable for water soluble vitamins, like vitamin C. In this case, there is need for a vitamin “transporter” that helps nutrients get through cells. Then, the process is like the passport control at the border and vitamins are in line to get to the blood circulation from the gut.

Another important issue is to know the right amount of nutrients the body needs. All vitamin description includes detailed information about the recommended daily intake, but it is worth keeping in mind that those directions are based only on general statistics. Since everyone is different, all bodies have varying needs that depend on numerous circumstances such as gender, health condition, physical abilities, activity level and the list is endless.

Intravenous vitamin infusion

The greatest benefit of IV infusion is that 100% of the vitamins get into the bloodstream immediately. The intestines and the complete digestive system are out of the process, they do not have to care with breaking down the extra nutrients and direct them to the right place. Absorption is complete and vitamins get directly where they belong.

Above all, IV infusion allows you to be aware of the exact amount of vitamin need and intake. Despite of the common struggle occurs in connection with vitamin tablets, your therapist can easily find out what kind and what amount of nutrients you need. According to this, though the procedure is a more expensive alternative, it is absolutely personalized and adequate.

Due to the high efficiency, IV infusion is able to have an immediate impact on health and promote radical changes in overall well-being. Correspondingly, it is highly recommended for those who experience any symptoms of vitamin deficiencies like headaches, frequent illnesses, dry skin etc.

It is important to note that there is no wrong way of taking vitamins. A thorough consultation with a specialist can help you decide and find the most fitting manner and give you advice what to keep in mind. Write us to and book an appointment with our professionals.