What Food Not To Eat To Avoid Acne

How does your diet affect your skin?

To start with, you need to understand what is going on in your body. When you take foods that raise your blood sugar more quickly than others, it makes your body release more of a hormone, called insulin, which causes oil grands to produce more oil. Due to the insulin-producing effect, these foods are considered “high-glycemic” carbohydrates, i.e. made of simple sugars.

1. Milk and other dairy products

Several studies prove that there is a link between skin problems and dairy products. Just like sugar, milk can also prompt the insulin release, growth factors and hormones in the body. The whey, the casein or the testosterone, especially when combined with protein, can all be responsible for triggering acne. Fortunately, dairy products can be easily replaced with plant-based options these days, such as with almond or rice-based foods.

2. Junk food

Hanging out with your friends in a fast-food restaurant occasionally is absolutely fine. You only need to keep moderation because despite of the deliciousness, unfortunately, these foods are full of unhealthy saturated and trans fats which release pro-inflammatory cytokines in the blood hence increasing inflammation in the skin, making it red and angry.

3. Refined grains and sugars

As we mentioned above, high insulin production is not beneficial for those with acne. Since refined carbohydrates have a crucial role in it, it is highly recommended to avoid them – all breads, pastas, crackers made with white flour, white rice, sodas and sugar-sweetened beverages, sweeteners like cane sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave and of course, milk chocolate. It not only contains sugar but – obviously – a significant amount of milk. You should instead snack some dark chocolate that can be even good for skin.

4. Omega-6 fats

While Omega-3 fats may reduce inflammation of the skin, Omega-6 fats can do the opposite. The imbalance of these two sets off the inflammatory state of the body, worsening acne severity. Instead of corn and soy oils, choose to select foods that contain Omega-3, like fish, walnuts or chia seeds.

All things considered; it is of course not necessary to completely cut off all the food we listed. Rather you should make a research of what causes the biggest problem. Then, you only need to stay conscious and moderate and satisfy the real needs of your body.