Entries by omarketingbali@gmail.com

Beauty Tips When You Are In Your Early 20s

1.     Healthy body, healthy skin It is always a good idea to start with the very basics. As we all know, there are no skin care products on earth that could treat and promote skin condition all alone. To help these products accomplish their tasks, it is crucial to live a healthy lifestyle, including eating […]

5 Tips For Glowing Skin After 40

1.     Hydration Just to start with the very basics, drinking water is crucial at every age though it can’t be emphasized enough. Hydration is the most important demand of the body that affects brain functions, improves physical performance, stimulates digestion and bowel functions and even helps in weight loss. Sound like clichés, but paying special […]

The History Of Colon Hydrotherapy

This treatment is one of the oldest forms of natural healing that has been practiced in the ancient Egypt around in early 1500 BC and probably in China as well, even before that. As scientists discovered, the ‘Eber Papyrus’, an ancient Egyptian medical document details the beneficial effects of colon cleansing. The Ayurvedic medicine from […]

What Food Not To Eat To Avoid Acne

How does your diet affect your skin? To start with, you need to understand what is going on in your body. When you take foods that raise your blood sugar more quickly than others, it makes your body release more of a hormone, called insulin, which causes oil grands to produce more oil. Due to […]

The Importance Of Daily Moisturizing

Benefits of moisturizer First of all, in order to maximize the effect of the moisturizer, it is important to find the adequate one that fits your skin type. In this case, the results will speak for themselves. To start with, a suitable moisturizer protects sensitive skin, improves skin tone and masks imperfections just like preventing […]

Home Remedies To Soften Crow’s Feet Wrinkles

Crow’s feet are the wrinkle lines that radiate from the corner of your eyes and evolve due to the aging process. However, there are several other circumstances that can sub-serve their appearance, such as environmental pollution, solar radiation, smoking, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies or ever your sleeping position. Aging is a natural process, that’s caused by […]

Botox For “Lip Flip”

The difference between fillers and Botox It is important to keep in mind that fillers and Botox are two absolutely different things, with absolutely different results. To start with, the most basic difference is that Botox is not a filler. While fillers can achieve the lips appear larger by literally making them bigger, Botox relaxes […]

Volumizing Filler And Its Benefits

What is Juvederm Voluma®? Juvederm Voluma® is a filler that efficiently lifts the overlying skin and lessen the appearance of deeper creases. It is a hyaluronic acid filler from the makers of Juvederm® and Botox and is proven to restore age-related volume loss in the area of the cheeks, all apex, apple and hollow. While […]

Cocoon’s Owner, Louise Cogan 46 Years

I am proud of how my skin has improved over the years – it does take care, attention and maintenance – we are all so attentive to maintaining our houses, our cars, then why not regular maintenance of our skin! The best finding I have experience in after all these years in the skin industry […]