How To Prepare And Care For Winter Skin
Face is the only part of the body that cannot be protected enough when going out to the harsh, freezing weather during winter. At this time, even the most cared, balanced skin tends to become extremely sensitive, dry and stressed. On top of…

Tips To Keep Up With A Healthy Lifestyle During The Holiday Season
Christmas and the holiday season are just around the corner. This time is all about relaxing, spending precious time with the loved ones and eating tons of delicious food. There is less chance to go to the gym or even have a home workout and…

Fillers For Under-Eye Circles
Have you tried all the concealer and creams on the market that promised to get under-eye circles disappear? Do you sleep and drink a lot, but your under-eye circles obstinately stay? The bad news is that they are mostly genetic, which means…

What Age To Start Botox®?
The first signs of aging start to appear at quite an early age for everyone - depending on the life circumstances, it can even be the early 20s. While Botox® was initially used by celebrities and wealthy Americans, today it is the most popular…

Tips On How To Get Rid Of Blackheads
Blackheads are also acne, the most common type of them. Regardless of skin type, anyone can have blackheads – they appear when pores become clogged with the combination of dead skin cells and excess oil (sebum) that is produced by your sebaceous…

Everything You Need To Know About Microdermabrasion
Cocoon’s Diamond Microdermabrasion is a perfect solution for removing dead skin cells, smoothing wrinkles, treating pimples and acne and smoothing out skin surface. This Micro scrubbing technology uses ultrasonic waves to shake off dead skin…

Celebrities Who Had Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, often called “Vampire” lift is an absolutely natural filler procedure which, true to its name, is made of your own blood. The process is similar to mesotherapy, while your own plasma is used as an advanced anti-aging…

Best Botox Aftercare Instructions
Botox is the most popular non-invasive facial treatment in the cosmetics industry, thanks to its efficiency, imposing results and low-risk. Just like every cosmetic treatment, Botox also requires some aftercare in order to avoid affecting results…

The Science Behind Migraines
Suffering from migraine is a common condition today, affecting about 10% of people worldwide. Those who have ever experienced it at least just once all know how excruciating it can be, often ruining a whole day and even medication cannot relieve…

Most Essential Minerals Your Body Needs
We all know which vitamins are most important for the body, but we are hardly aware of what minerals we should take on a daily basis in order to maintain overall health. Beyond vitamins, minerals are responsible for the health of bones and teeth,…