Skin Care And Beauty Of The 70s

Some of us might remember the 1970’s or have at least heard of it. Those were the times when a new free-spirited approach surfaced and influenced style and beauty.Ladies preferred to keep things casual, sunny and natural by day – and when…

What Aesthetic Treatments You Can Have During Pregnancy

Aesthetic treatments can seem harmless most of the time, however, you always have to do some research before making an appointment because most of them can be dangerous during pregnancy. Your body and skin react totally differently due to…

The 4 Most Essential Nutrients For Positive Thinking

There are some useful supplements which help you feel happier and have positive effects on your mood. We listed the most essential vitamins below to help you live a happy lifestyle Naturally. 1. B-vitamins B-vitamins help the…

Skin Care Tips For Your Kids

When it comes to skin care routines, a child’s skin is so precious and definitely deserves as good products as ours - or even better. However, many of us isn’t aware of some essential things that we should take care of. Choose the…

Best Anti-Aging Exercises To Start Right NOW!

When it comes to anti-aging, it’s not all about reducing wrinkles - instead, it is a harmony of looking and staying fit. Important is to keep your body moving and your brain sharp, so you can slow down the clock and enjoy every decade…

Post-Care After Your Botox Treatment

You have just got your Botox treatment; you are glowing and happy...and just about to go on with your daily routine, with a fresher and more youthful look. But! The process doesn’t stop here: it is incredibly important for you to not overlook…

Short And Long-Term Benefits Of Vitamin Infusion

Back in the days, celebrities like Madonna, Cindy Crawford and Rihanna were among the first who embraced vitamin infusions and enthusiastically endorsed them for their immense health and beauty benefits. Nowadays, it counts to one of the…

The History Of BEAUTY

Beauty is one of the most subjective things in the world. Every age has its own ideal what everyone is mad about and want to achieve while forgetting that they are beautiful on their own way. No one should ever feel bad about their appearance…

Multi Peptide – The Future Of Anti-Aging

As years are passing by, we start noticing fine lines and wrinkles...and then even more wrinkles. At that point, we probably feel like stopping this progress as much as possible. The question is how. Luckily, there are more options nowadays…