Cocoon’s Owner, Louise Cogan 46 Years
I am proud of how my skin has improved over the years – it does take care, attention and maintenance – we are all so attentive to maintaining our houses, our cars, then why not regular maintenance of our skin!
The best finding I have experience in after all these years in the skin industry is it doesn’t take a lot of expensive branded products – many of which have more spent on the marketing and brand than on the actual ingredients (my last expensive bottle I ever bought was 10 years ago – La Mer – was flushed down the toilet by my 2 year old!). Since then I have never bought expensive products, instead focusing on medical grade treatments and products with key ingredients in them – such as hyaluronic acid and collagen.

I have always believed having good skin and hair will make any bad day better. In my 40s, I feel great inside with a ton of energy and I don’t want to look old before my time. Now a simple wash and moisturise is not going to cut it, our skin needs more nutrition, at a deeper level. I have never been one to go hard on the Botox and fillers, instead I have regular facials, anything that will hydrate and nourish, my favourite treatments are Laser, PRP, RF and Juvederm Volite (a natural hydrating filler). Having these treatments a few times a year keeps the skin hydrated and builds collagen naturally. Monthly Vitamin IVs of Vitamin C and B as well as regular juice cleanses throughout the years helps to erase the sins from the skin
Treatments are about improving on what’s given to us naturally. Not perfect, but authentically beautiful.”