How Long Does Botox Last


Unfortunately, we can’t stop the natural aging process of our skin that becomes dull, wrinkled, and bumpy over time. Furthermore, multiple people seek both non-surgical and surgical approaches to rejuvenate their skin and make it glowing and full of vitality. Botox is one of the most popular and appreciated treatments in the current beauty industry with promising anti-aging effects. Thus, many individuals want to know how long do Botox injections last. Keep reading to find out.

How does Botox work?

Generally, Botox appears as a neurotoxin designed to cause temporary muscle paralysis. This happens due to the targeting of the nervous system by substance and interrupting the nerve signals that provoke muscle contraction. Botox treatments can also prevent the release of the chemical acetylcholine, and it can potentially interrupt the cells of muscles from contracting or shortening. Thus, Botox injections focus on making muscles less tight.

How long do Botox injections take?

The Botox procedure encompasses injecting the neurotoxin into the facial muscles using a pretty thin needle. Depending on the treated area, a specialist will inject Botox in different places on the face. The treatment itself takes no more than 10 minutes.

How long does Botox last?

To answer how long does Botox last the first time, you need to know that a change won’t come immediately after a procedure. Botox injections typically require around 2 and 3 days to start working, while 2 or 3 weeks are sufficient to notice the full effects. So, how long does Botox last in your face? Well, the results of Botox treatment typically last between 3 and 6 months. After that time, people can notice the reappearance of fine lines and wrinkles related to restored muscle action.

How often should I get Botox?

It is essential to understand that a procedure is likely to stop working for you if you have it too often. If you plan to appoint a Botox treatment soon, take a break for at least 3 months between the appointments. Furthermore, Botox frequency usually depends on individual factors, such as your age and the depth of wrinkles. In most cases, Botox maintenance series appointed every 12-16 weeks are your best bet.

How can I make Botox last longer?

Once you find out how long does Botox last, but you aren’t satisfied with the results being noticeable for 3 to 6 months, you can take action and prolong Botox longevity. First, don’t forget to move the muscles in the treated areas on your face to let the product distribute well and last longer.

The nice consideration is avoiding face rubbing for 24 to 48 hours after a session. Any harsh actions on your face tend to the possible Botox migration. Finally, make sure you limit sun exposure to your face and use sunscreen on a daily basis since the sun is the first factor of premature skin aging.