Success Story Of Botox Treatment For Migraine
Despite all the numerous myths that are in the public consciousness, Botox is much more than just a popular cosmetic treatment applied in order to achieve a youngish, refreshed look and reduce wrinkles. The twenty-year history of Botox in the…

5 Celebs Who Are Obsessed With Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy is one of the most effective and safest practices to prevent and treat bowel and digestion problems caused by accumulated toxins in our body. Using an irrigation machine, warm water is gently flushed into the colon under a…

The Technology Behind Sunscreens (And Why To Use Them In Tropical Countries)
Usage of sunscreens is – hopefully - a routine for everyone, especially when going on holiday even to the seaside or not. However, most people only know that their function is to protect the skin from harmful UV rays, but have no idea about…

5 False Myths About Botox
Botox is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world for about 20 years now, although, there are several myths surrounding it. Applied by an experienced professional with the adequate technique, Botox provides a refreshed, rejuvenated…

Chin Fillers
Since dermal fillers exploded into the cosmetic market a few years ago, there are no beauty desires which could not be satisfied. In the light of this, chin treatments became one of the most favourite interventions in the industry, as before…

Lip Guide – Different Lip Shapes And Styles
Lips are the second after eyes that people usually look at on a person. It not only has an important role in attraction, but also in pronouncing words and expressing several emotions, like sadness, happiness or anxiety. As everyone is different,…

How Laser Hair Removal Works
How laser hair removal works
One of the most requested cosmetic treatments these days is laser hair removal. It is the most comfortable and time-saving solution that is also cost-efficient in the long run, moreover, an eco-friendly alternative.…

5 Benefits Of Ashiatsu Massage
Many people, especially those who live a busy, stressful lifestyle, often benefit from the magical effects of massages. Some may satisfy with the usual types, but sometimes it is necessary to try a deeper, more significant method that feels…

Body Shape Ideals Of The Year
Trends are always in a continuous change that has become difficult to follow, be it food, fashion or body shapes. It is really easy to get lost in the maze of current ideals and keep up with the freshest fads. In order to dispel the doubts,…

Vitamin Tablets Vs Infusion
There are numerous articles and conversations about the benefits and disadvantages of both oral and intravenous vitamin intake out there. Some may think that spending money on doing an intravenous nutrient therapy is a waste of time, especially…