Tiredness, Lethargy, Insomnia, Hangover
Have you overdone it recently with stress, work, or just played and partied too hard? Detox combined with an intravenous vitamin cocktail treatment is a powerful kick start for your body, achieving in a few hours what a few weeks of intensive dieting would do. Studies have even proven that intravenous Vitamin C helped complement cancer therapies by reducing inflammation and quelling toxins. Think what it can do for you.
Stress, lack of energy, daily fatigue, lethargy and sleeplessness.
Cocoon is all about combining the best technologies and products to create visible results that last longer.
Choose from one of our packages:
Lack of Libido
Hormonal imbalance is perhaps the most important reason for low libido in men and women. Overuse of anti-depressant, allergy, hypertension and diabetes medication further rules out any plans for bedroom activity. A blood test may be necessary to determine the cause and prescribe correct treatment.
Low sex drive, erectile dysfunctions
Weight Gain
For most of us, the idea of weight gain seems focused on two things: the food we eat and which part of the body it ends up on. While it is important to watch what we eat, some of us find it just impossible to shake off the excess pounds, especially belly, waist and thigh fat. Cocoon’s solutions help target weight management through a practical, multipronged approach.
Fat Deposits, General Weight Gain.
Choose from one of our packages:
Bloating Constipation and Irritable Bowel
Affecting more women than men, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is often accompanied by constipation, diarrhea and bloating. Though causes for IBS may be linked to psychological stress, it is still a mystery what really causes it, though certain foods may be to blame. It often takes a combination of treatments to help keep this problem under control.
Irritable Bowel, Constipation, Bloating
Women commonly suffer more migraines than men because of hormonal imbalance from too much estrogen. However, the most common reason for that chronic headache is toxin accumulation. Combat migraines with our combined treatments for effectiveness and long-lasting results.
Much more than a headache, a migraine is a collection of neurological symptoms that can be debilitating, painful and chronic – so much so that they impact your quality of life. Fortunately, there is an effective treatment for you at Cocoon Medical Spa – we offer BOTOX for migraine management. Read here more>>
Mild to throbbing, frequent headaches.
Millions of women worldwide suffer from some form of hormonal imbalance. Perimenopause symptoms are among the most common and annoying. Once a woman enters this stage, which is 8-10 years before hitting menopause, the slow decline of fertility comes with a multitude of unbearable symptoms – hot flashes, irregular periods, vaginal dryness/itching, night sweats, weight gain – to name a few. Speak with us for a detailed plan on how to combat these ‘common but not normal’ symptoms.
Hot Flashes, Menstrual Irregularities, Vaginal Dryness, Night Sweats, Loss of Libido, Mood Swings, Fatigue, Thinning Hair, Increase of Facial Hair, Insomnia, Mental Fogginess, Memory Lapses, Inability to Concentrate, Dizziness, Incontinence, Bloating, Allergies, Fragile Hair/Nails, Body Odor, Rapid Heartbeat, Depression, Panic Attacks, Headaches, Aching Joints, Digestive Issues, Itchy Skin
You can also book a complimentary consultation by
emailing: info@cocoonmedicalspa.com or
WhatsApp: +62 811 388 815