The History Of Colon Hydrotherapy

This treatment is one of the oldest forms of natural healing that has been practiced in the ancient Egypt around in early 1500 BC and probably in China as well, even before that. As scientists discovered, the ‘Eber Papyrus’, an ancient Egyptian medical document details the beneficial effects of colon cleansing. The Ayurvedic medicine from India also practiced colon cleansing as part of the panchkarma and we can find descriptions about the advantages from Hippocrates, Galen and Pare too. Later in the 17thcentury, both in America and Europe, especially in Paris, enemas were frequently used to maintain general health and well-being and keep illnesses, anxiety and fever away.

Thanks to the radical improvements of the early 1900s, colon hydrotherapy machines provided increasingly comprehensive solution to cleanse the large intestine. In a 1917 edition of the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Dr. John H. Kellogg M.D. reported the effectiveness of colon cleansing according to his previous researches. Applying the treatment on over forty thousand patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, only twenty surgeries were necessary to perform – in all other cases, people recovered as a result of colon cleansing, dieting and exercising.

After reaching its apex in the 1920-40s, the use and access to the expensive colonic irrigation greatly diminished by the 50s and 60s due to the lack of knowledge in this field and the advent of other personal health care treatments. Although, several specialists declared that the proper work of bowel functions can’t be supported and treated only with medicine or surgeries, the most effective and natural way is Colon Hydrotherapy.

Fortunately, the popularity of the treatment has returned in the past 10 years since people have recognized the numerous benefits of seeking for and maintaining a strong, biologically healthy bowel system. Thanks to the continuous development of technology, Colon Hydrotherapy could have become a completely safe and convenient procedure for today.

Cocoon Medical Spa offers you an exceptional Colon Hydrotherapy treatment assisted by a professional expert and ensures an absolutely relaxing and comfortable experience. For further information, read more about the procedure or write us to