• Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee

If you see no difference in the results of your treatment, then we will offer you to have the same or another treatment free of charge at the spa.

We understand the concerns about having medical/aesthetic treatments in a foreign country, and this is why we have an unconditional guarantee. With Cocoon’s ‘worry-free’ guarantee, you don’t need to be concerned about the quality, safety or results you will get.

Our promise is simple – you will have results from our treatments and you will see a difference . If you don’t get results, we will repeat the treatment free of charge at the spa. (This can be either the same treatment or another well-suited treatment recommended by your doctor.)

Naturally-beautiful results. That is our guarantee. We don’t promise dramatic differences, or expectations beyond our capability. We don’t want you to ever look dramatically different, just look the same you, just a lot fresher, younger, with healthier skin. If you have realistic expectations, chances are, you will be very happy with your results.

It is important to know that with non-surgical treatments, the difference may not be immediate (though they are rare cases). Results will happen over time – sometimes weeks, maybe even months, as the collagen of the skin regenerates to plump up and repair surface skin. With a little patience and lots of TLC, you will get a good improvement over time.

We can offer this guarantee as we know we have great quality in everything we do – tested technologies and products and qualified and trained doctors administering the treatments.

Firstly, we ask you to consent to:

Before and After Photos:

We are not tight and argumentative when it comes to results – we want results as much as you do. Before and after photos are really important to document this process because sometimes, we do forget that we actually did have those wrinkles or skin discolourations. So please allow us to take these photos of you to keep track of your skin before and after treatments.

Your photos are kept confidential and will only appear on our website/advertising with signed consent. These photos are important for your record keeping as well but unfortunately, if you don’t allow photos to be taken, then we cannot offer this guarantee to you.

Shared Responsibility Policy:

Cocoon has a great deal of advice and information for you to take care of yourself so your results are the best they can be. Unless you do keep up good habits – such as no smoking, stay out of the sun, exercise and diet – then the aesthetic treatments will not last long and you may also have adverse side effects. You must read and adhere to the recommendations that we provide. Please read out Shared Responsibility Policy here.

If you are healthy without prior medical conditions and have realistic expectations, and follow your doctor’s advice and post treatment instructions, then you should be very pleased with your results.  Realistic expectations are key. It is important to remember that treatment results are not immediate. Depending on treatment, it may take days, weeks, sometimes months before you start looking better. Depending on your requirement and the doctor’s advice, more aggressive treatments may be recommended, which may cause more swelling, maybe even bruising. A thorough consultation and knowing what to expect will enable you to favorable experience throughout.

Terms and Conditions of this guarantee:

  • You have taken all the doctors advice and completed the package of treatments as advised by the doctor. For example, if you are recommended 40 units of Botox but because of budget you only take 20 units, then you cannot return back to say you want extra units free because you didn’t achieve the full effect. Or if the doctor recommends you to have 4 treatments of laser or RF, but you have only taken 1 treatment, then you cannot ask for more free treatments.
  • You have taken all precautions that have been advised to you, including: no sun, no smoking, no medications and follow up care with crèmes given.
  • You have none of these preconditions listed.
  • You must provide clear ‘after’ photos – front and side views for comparison with your ‘before’ photos.
  • The length of time to qualify for this is no less than 1 month after treatment, and no more than 6 months after treatment.
  • The guarantee is not valid for complimentary, free or discounted procedures/services

Please note:

  • We do not cover any costs of travel (including airfares, taxis or accommodation) to / from the spa if you need to return for additional treatments.
  • We will not pay for any other doctors or surgeons to do treatments. If a doctor has done a follow-up treatment after your treatment at Cocoon, this makes this guarantee void. This guarantee is only applicable by returning to Cocoon Medical Spa with no other visits or treatments at other centres.