• Premium Detox Packages

Premium Detox Packages

Value your health
start with
your premium detox package today!

Introducing our premium Colon Hydrotherapy packages!
Invest in your health today and embark on a transformative journey. Our comprehensive packages are designed to help your body eliminate toxins and promote overall well-being.

Package Offers

We value your health and want to provide you with the best value. Take advantage of these exclusive package offers to enhance your Colon Hydrotherapy experience and maximize your health benefits.

Premium Detox Package

Buy 1 Colon Hydrotherapy treatment
get FREE 1 week Gold Immunity Super Green Booster Powder
for only 800.000 IDR

This package is perfect for individuals seeking to kick-start their detoxification journey and improve their overall health.

[whatsapp layout=”button” rounded=”yes” message=”Hello! Quote: “Premium Detox”. I would like to book 1 Colon Hydrotherapy treatment.” ]Book Now![/whatsapp]

Ultimate Package

Buy 5 Colon Hydrotherapy treatments,
get 1 FREE Colon Hydrotherapy treatment +
FREE 30 days Gold Immunity Super Green Booster Powder
(Total savings – 1.140.000 IDR)
Now for only 4m IDR

This package offers substantial savings and allows you to experience the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy for a longer period of time.

[whatsapp layout=”button” rounded=”yes” message=”Hello! Quote: “Premium Detox”. I would like to book 5 Colon Hydrotherapy treatments.” ]Book Now![/whatsapp]

First come, first served

[whatsapp layout=”button” rounded=”yes” message=”Hello! Quote: “Premium Detox”. I would like to book Colon Hydrotherapy treatment. ” ]Book Now![/whatsapp]

WhatsApp +62 811 388 815
for details and appointments
or contact us at: info@cocoonmedicalspa.com

Quote “Premium Detox” to avail discount.

Cocoon’s Gold Immunity Super Green Booster Powder

A unique blend of 14 plant-based ingredients including herbs, superfoods and wholefoods known to support immune health. Our natural formula is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals with anti-inflammatory properties that improve wellness. GMO-free, no artificial colours, preservatives, flavours, gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, and nuts.

Colon Hydrotherapy | Hydrotherapy Colon Cleanse

“A bath on the insides”

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method of cleansing the colon by repeated gentle flushing with warm filtered water under very low pressure with a colonic irrigation machine. Using special massage techniques on the tummy area to stimulate release of impacted fecal matter.

Whether you require added benefits of tummy flattening and, or intensive detoxification, the Colonic should be perfect for you.

What are the benefits?

  • Improve bowel regularity
  • Improve digestion
  • Boost your immune system
  • Alkalize your body
  • Increase energy and mood
  • Clearer and brighter complexion
  • Assist in weight management
  • Hydration of your body

Closed Colon Hydrotherapy System

At Cocoon Medical Spa in Bali, we use a closed system of colon hydrotherapy. It is completely closed, so there is no mess, no smells, no embarrassment. It is a very gentle system, it does not rely on pressure to create the result, instead it is all about your expert therapist manually and gently massaging your abdomen and releasing the tubes when needed.

Clients have loved this system as there is no fuss and no mess, also it is very relaxing, and you will feel completely cleansed after the treatment. The treatment lasts approx 30 to 40 minutes.

Read here more about Colon Hydrotherapy >>

Why Choose Us?

  • Experienced and trained professionals
  • Modern and hygienic facilities
  • Customized treatment plans
  • Commitment to your privacy and comfort
  • Safe and effective procedures
  • Supportive aftercare and guidance

Take the first step towards a healthier you with our exclusive Colon Hydrotherapy packages. Invest in your health today and experience the benefits for yourself. Begin your journey with our premium detox package and unlock your body’s full potential.


You can also book a complimentary consultation by
emailing: info@cocoonmedicalspa.com or
WhatsApp: +62 811 388 815