Why Is Laser Hair Removal Better Than IPL?
Laser hair removal Vs IPL
Every woman is in search of the ideal hair removal method: the more permanent and effective, the better. Many women swear by the Laser Hair Removal method, while some prefer IPL (which stands for Intense…

Facelift With Fat Transfer
Facelift with fat transfer (aka fat grafting) as the name itself indicates, is not your typical facelift procedure. The great thing about it is that it doesn’t involve deep painful incisions, the actual lifting of the skin, and the post-operative…

Beauty Now And Then
As the decades go by, technology advances and fashions change.
What was seen as the perfect figure in the 50’s would find it hard to get a place on the front cover of a magazine these days. And think of all those haircuts from…

The Harmful Effects Of The Sun – Why Is Sun Damaging The Skin?
Want the best anti-aging solution?
Protect your skin from the sun! This, alone, can prevent aging for a long time. And that’s the reason even the best anti-wrinkle cream contains SPF 15 or 30.
Why is there such a fuss about…

Fat Loss Now And Then
Losing fat and maintaining an optimal weight has kept ladies wondering for centuries. There has always been numerous methods and tricks around which have been proven to be more or less effective. There were even some funny ones which we…

Botox And Excessive Sweating
The wet problem
Women, аrе уоu ѕiсk and tired оf getting ѕwеаtу аrmрitѕ? Dо уоu throw away shirt аftеr shirt bесаuѕе оf those gross уеllоw sweat stains that ruin your clothes? Women and ѕwеаtу…

Anti-aging In Bali: Injectables Vs lasers
Anti-aging (Injectables and Non-injectables)
Injectables in аntі-аgіng rеduсе the арреаrаnсе оf fіnе lіnеѕ аnd wrіnklеѕ, аdd vоlumе tо ѕаggіng ѕkіn, оr tighten lооѕе ѕkіn. Injectable or non-injectable…

The Key Of Eternal Beauty: Botox
A lot of women who claim they’re just taking good care of their skin are doing more on the down low. Botox and dermal filler treatments are increasingly popular with women and men who want to rejuvenate their skin and combat the premature…