Wrinkles And Pimples

As a woman, we are used to the emotional roller coaster caused by our hormones time to time. It started probably back in the days when we had our first period – continuing on to today, when most of us still have to handle these ups and downs.…

Lip Filler Statistics

Lip fillers are trending nowadays more than ever. For those of you who don’t know about it: it is basically a procedure where a cosmetic surgeon injects dermal fillers into your lips, so you will have nice plumped lips. * Favourite…

My Migraine Story

Hi, my name is Jennifer (or Jenny as my close friends call me) and today I’ve thought to tell you the story of my migraine and how I finally found relief – because many of you’ve asked and many of you are involved. First of all, let’s…

Celebrities Who Age Wonderfully

Just like fine wines, some lucky celebrities also get more and more graceful with aging. Of course, there are some who needed boot and other surgical interventions but they obviously knew how not to overdo it. On the other hand, there are…

The History Of The Reflexology Foot Massage

  Pressure therapy is thought to have been practiced by the Ancient Egyptians more than 4000 years ago. At the same time, a similar healing method was applied in India and with the spread of Buddhism, in China as well. Although there are…

5 Best Natural Way To Get Rid Of Cellulite

We probably agree that our goal is to accept and love our body. So we are free to choose what to do with it and how to bring the best out of it – especially when it comes to cellulite – a common ‘enemy’.Cellulite is basically fat deposit…

Skin Care And Beauty Of The 70s

Some of us might remember the 1970’s or have at least heard of it. Those were the times when a new free-spirited approach surfaced and influenced style and beauty.Ladies preferred to keep things casual, sunny and natural by day – and when…

What Aesthetic Treatments You Can Have During Pregnancy

Aesthetic treatments can seem harmless most of the time, however, you always have to do some research before making an appointment because most of them can be dangerous during pregnancy. Your body and skin react totally differently due to…

The 4 Most Essential Nutrients For Positive Thinking

There are some useful supplements which help you feel happier and have positive effects on your mood. We listed the most essential vitamins below to help you live a happy lifestyle Naturally. 1. B-vitamins B-vitamins help the…

Skin Care Tips For Your Kids

When it comes to skin care routines, a child’s skin is so precious and definitely deserves as good products as ours - or even better. However, many of us isn’t aware of some essential things that we should take care of. Choose the…